eMMC on NXP S32G

eMMC on NXP S32G#

In this use-case we will run the emmc-driver on the NXP S32G.

The emmc-driver provides access to eMMC and SD-Card like devices, and provide clients with a block interface to read and write blocks via Virtio-block protocol.

To run the emmc-driver, it needs access to the eMMC or SD controller of the platform which it gets via the io component.

An appropriate script for ned may look like this:

 1-- vim:ft=lua
 3local L4 = require("L4");
 4local ld = L4.default_loader;
 6local io_vbus_emmc = ld:new_channel();
 8            caps = {
 9              icu       = L4.Env.icu,
10              sigma0    = L4.Env.sigma0,
11              vbus_emmc = io_vbus_emmc:svr(),
12            },
13         }, "rom/io rom/hw_devices.io rom/vbus.io");
15 local emmc_driver = ld:new_channel();
17 ld:start({
18            caps = {
19              vbus = io_vbus_emmc,
20              svr  = emmc_driver:svr(),
21            },
22          },
23          "rom/emmc-drv");
25 -- Provide clients access to specific GPT partitions. Either use a GPT
26 -- partition label or the GPT partition's UUID:
27 -- Example:
28 ld:start({
29            caps = {
30              virtio_blk1 = emmc_driver:create(0, "device=partlabel:NAME"),
31              virtio_blk2 = emmc_driver:create(0, "device=partuuid:B874C937-5588-4231-A85C-1E629BF4364E"),
32            },
33          }, "rom/client");

The script references two files for configuring the io component. hw_devices.io is the hardware device configuration of the S32G, as found here.

vbus.io creates a virtual bus for the emmc driver, using this content:

 1-- vim:ft=lua
 3local hw = Io.system_bus();
 7  vbus_emmc = Io.Vi.System_bus(function()
 8    usdhc0  = wrap(hw.usdhc0);
 9  end);

When launching this setup, the final output should be like this. No errors shall be displayed:

emmc-drv| eMMC[factory]: Assuming host clock of 400MHz.
emmc-drv| Capability 'sdhci_adma_buf' not found -- allocating buffer.
emmc-drv| Capability 'iobuf' not found -- allocating buffer.
emmc-drv| eMMC-0[device]: Found eMMC device.
emmc-drv| eMMC-0[device]: Device initialization took 260ms (0ms busy wait, 251ms sleep).
emmc-drv| eMMC-0[device]: Successfully set 'HS400 Dual Data Rate eMMC at 200MHz (1.8V)'.

When investigating any issues, adding -v options to rom/io and rom/emmc-drv, also multiple times, gives more valuable output.