Raspberry Pi#

Steps to get the Raspberry Pi running with L4Re.

Which variants of the Raspberry Pi are suitable?#

  • Rpi 5: Great, works including virtualization, 64bit

  • Rpi 4: Great, works including virtualization, 64bit and 32bit

  • Rpi 3: Good, no virtualization support, can run L4Linux, 64bit and 32bit

  • Rpi 2: Good, no virtualization support, can run L4Linux, 32bit only

  • Rpi 1: Reasonable, no virtualization support, can run L4Linux, 32bit only


For up to Rpi4: For interaction at low level with the Rpi (aka UART), you need a USB-TTL adapter to connect the serial port of the Rpi with your laptop/workstation. If you do not have one you can buy one (everywhere) on the internet, search for “usb serial raspberry cable” or similar. The cable has at least three connectors to plug into the Rpi (Ground/GND, TX, RX) and a USB connector on the other side.

For rpi5: You can use the Raspberry Pi Debug Probe.


For up to Rpi4: For flexibility and common network-booting capabilities, we typically use u-boot as a boot loader on the Rpi. U-boot can be built from upstream u-boot.git without any issue. Pre-built u-boot binaries for both 32bit and 64bit can be found here. They shall work on all Rpi variants up to and including Rpi4.

Rpi5: For flexibility and common network-booting capabilities, use the built-in network booting capabilities. Details: to come.

Preparing an Rpi for use#

  • Copy Raspian to the Rpi’s SD card as usual.

  • Decide whether you want to run L4Re in 64bit (arm64) or 32bit (arm) mode. If the Rpi supports it we recommend the 64bit variant. Otherwise the 32bit variant will also work fine.

  • Copy the respective u-boot.bin binary to the boot partition of Rpi’s SD card. Either on the Rpi directly or by putting the SD card into your laptop/workstation and mounting it.

  • Edit ‘config.txt’ from the boot partition of the Rpi. For running the ARM64 version of L4Re add:


    For running the ARM32 version of L4Re add:

  • Connect the serial adapter to your Rpi. There are lots of information out there, for example this one.

  • Prepare a terminal program on your laptop/workstation. We recommend minicom. For details refer to the URL in the previous step.

  • Now restarting the Rpi with the SD card inserted should put you into an u-boot prompt visible in the terminal program on your laptop/workstation:

    U-Boot 2020.07-rc3-00089-g9452b7496f (Jun 01 2020 - 23:05:50 +0200)
    DRAM: 948 MiB
    RPI 4 Model B (0xa03111)
    MMC: emmc2@7e340000: 0, mmcnr@7e300000: 1
    Loading Environment from FAT... OK
    In: serial
    Out: serial
    Err: serial
    eth0: genet@7d580000
    U-Boot> _

Building L4Re for the Rpi4#

This gives step-by-step instructions on how to build L4Re for the Rpi.

  • Prepare a Linux system on a laptop or workstation. It is recommended to use a rather powerful laptop/workstation to build (and possibly) edit/program the system instead of doing this directly on the Rpi. However, this is possible, just not recommended for continuous use. As a Linux system we recommend a recent version of Ubuntu or Debian.

  • Install at least the following additional packages:

    apt install build-essential u-boot-tools
  • Install a suitable cross-compiler. Packages are typically named gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu (64bit) and gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf (32bit).

  • Download a recent snapshot and unpack it in a location of your choice.

  • Configure by calling:

    make setup

    and select ARM64 or ARM, and then the rpi4. Then leave the dialog.

  • Build it by calling:


    Please use make -j8 or similar to speed up building.

  • After a successful build multiple so-called images have been built for the rpi4 platform. An image contains everything to run for a particular setup. Images are located in obj/l4/arm64/images/bootstrap*rpi4*.elf.

Using ready-to-use images#

Pre-built images for the Rpi3 and Rpi4 are available for download: 64bit and 32bit.

Running an image stored on the SD-card of the Rpi with u-boot#

  • Copy one or multiple of the Images to the boot partition of the Rpi.

  • Restart the Rpi with the SD card inserted.

  • For up to rpi4: At the u-boot prompt load the image into memory:

    U-Boot> fatload mmc 0 0x0c000000 bootstrap.elf
    1462552 bytes read in 116 ms (12 MiB/s)

    and start it:

    U-Boot> bootelf 0x0c000000
  • rpi5: At the u-boot prompt load the image into memory as well as the device tree into memory, then start it with booti:

    U-Boot> fatload mmc 0 ${fdt_addr_r} bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dtb
    U-Boot> fatload mmc 0 0x1000000 bootstrap.raw
    U-Boot> booti 0x1000000 - ${fdt_addr_r}

Running an image stored on the SD-card of the Rpi directly#

  • Copy a bootstrap.raw to the boot partition of the Rpi.

  • Edit config.txt and replace the kernel= line with kernel=bootstrap.raw

  • Reboot the Rpi

Booting over network#

Booting via network means that you generate your bootstrap image on some other system, e.g. your development system, and load it via network onto the Rpi and start it. This avoids juggling SD-cards between the Rpi and your development system, and is the generally preferred way of development.

Besides connecting your Rpi to your network via the integrated Ethernet port, you need a TFTP-Server in your network that serves the bootstrap image to the Rpi. tftp-hpa and dnsmasq are good and established choices. Please refer to their documentation or generally to the Internet to set one of those up. If in doubt, use dnsmasq.

Generally it is only needed to have TFTP working, DHCP is optional, as IP addresses can be set within u-boot, but it is recommended to have it. dnsmasq offers both TFTP and DHCP services.

If you do not have an ethernet-based network (you only use WIFI or are not allowed to connect unauthorized devices to the network you’re using) you can also directly connect the Rpi to your notebook / workstation using an Ethernet cable. Use an USB-Ethernet dongle if you need to.

With using DHCP, the Rpi should get an IP address:

U-Boot> dhcp

Setting or adapting IP addresses works like this:

U-Boot> setenv ipaddr
U-Boot> setenv serverip
U-Boot> setenv netmask

where ipaddr is the IP address of the Rpi and serverip is the IP address of the system where the TFTP server is running.

Loading the image works similarly to loading it from the SD-card:

U-Boot> tftpboot 0x0c000000 /path/on/the/tftp/server/bootstrap.elf; bootelf

Additional Information#

Instead of ELF files you can also use uimage files.