Here is a list of all documented enum values with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- a -
- b -
- c -
- d -
- e -
- E_exist : cxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >
- E_inval : cxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >
- E_noent : cxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >
- E_nomem : cxx::Bits::Base_avl_set< ITEM_TYPE, COMPARE, ALLOC, GET_KEY >
- Eager_map : L4Re::Rm::F
- f -
- i -
- k -
- l -
- m -
- Mask : cxx::Bitfield< T, LSB, MSB >
- max_free_slabs : cxx::Base_slab< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >, cxx::Base_slab_static< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >
- Mem : L4::Type_info::Demand_t< CAPS, FLAGS, MEM, PORTS >
- Mode_irq : L4Re::Util::Event_t< PAYLOAD >
- Mode_polling : L4Re::Util::Event_t< PAYLOAD >
- Msb : cxx::Bitfield< T, LSB, MSB >
- n -
- o -
- object_size : cxx::Base_slab< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >, cxx::Base_slab_static< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >
- objects_per_slab : cxx::Base_slab< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >, cxx::Base_slab_static< Obj_size, Slab_size, Max_free, Alloc >
- Overwrite : L4Re::Namespace
- p -
- r -
- s -
- t -
- u -
- w -
- x -