L4Re Operating System Framework
Interface and Usage Documentation
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1// vim:set ft=cpp: -*- Mode: C++ -*-
7 * (c) 2017 Alexander Warg <alexander.warg@kernkonzept.com>
8 *
9 * This file is part of TUD:OS and distributed under the terms of the
10 * GNU General Public License 2.
11 * Please see the COPYING-GPL-2 file for details.
12 *
13 * As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
14 * library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
15 * templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
16 * this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
17 * file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
18 * the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
19 * invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
20 * the GNU General Public License.
21 */
23#pragma once
25#include <l4/re/cap_alloc>
28namespace L4Re {
41template< typename T >
42using Unique_cap = L4::Detail::Unique_cap_impl<T, Smart_cap_auto<L4_FP_ALL_SPACES>>;
44template< typename T >
45using unique_cap = L4::Detail::Unique_cap_impl<T, Smart_cap_auto<L4_FP_ALL_SPACES>>;
56template< typename T >
59{ return Unique_cap<T>(ca->alloc<T>(), ca); }
74template< typename T >
75using Unique_del_cap = L4::Detail::Unique_cap_impl<T, Smart_cap_auto<L4_FP_DELETE_OBJ>>;
77template<typename T>
78using unique_del_cap = L4::Detail::Unique_cap_impl<T, Smart_cap_auto<L4_FP_DELETE_OBJ>>;
89template< typename T >
Abstract capability-allocator interface.
Capability allocator interface.
Definition cap_alloc:42
virtual L4::Cap< void > alloc() noexcept=0
Allocate a capability.
L4Re C++ Interfaces.
Definition l4re.dox:17
L4::Detail::Unique_cap_impl< T, Smart_cap_auto< L4_FP_DELETE_OBJ > > Unique_del_cap
Unique capability that implements automatic free and unmap+delete of the capability selector.
Definition unique_cap:75
L4::Detail::Unique_cap_impl< T, Smart_cap_auto< L4_FP_ALL_SPACES > > unique_cap
Unique capability that implements automatic free and unmap of the capability selector.
Definition unique_cap:45
L4::Detail::Unique_cap_impl< T, Smart_cap_auto< L4_FP_ALL_SPACES > > Unique_cap
Unique capability that implements automatic free and unmap of the capability selector.
Definition unique_cap:42
Unique_cap< T > make_unique_cap(L4Re::Cap_alloc *ca)
Allocate a capability slot and wrap it in an Unique_cap.
Definition unique_cap:58
L4::Detail::Unique_cap_impl< T, Smart_cap_auto< L4_FP_DELETE_OBJ > > unique_del_cap
Unique capability that implements automatic free and unmap+delete of the capability selector.
Definition unique_cap:78
Unique_del_cap< T > make_unique_del_cap(L4Re::Cap_alloc *ca)
Allocate a capability slot and wrap it in an Unique_del_cap.
Definition unique_cap:91