L4Re Operating System Framework
Interface and Usage Documentation
No Matches

Sharing memory between applications, server/creator side.

Sharing memory between applications, server/creator side.

* (c) 2009 Adam Lackorzynski <adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>,
* Alexander Warg <warg@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>
* economic rights: Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)
* This file is part of TUD:OS and distributed under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License 2.
* Please see the COPYING-GPL-2 file for details.
#include <l4/re/env>
#include <l4/re/namespace>
#include <l4/re/util/object_registry>
#include <l4/re/dataspace>
#include <l4/util/util.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <pthread-l4.h>
#include <thread>
#include "interface.h"
class My_server_obj : public L4::Server_object_t<L4::Kobject>
explicit My_server_obj(L4::Cap<L4Re::Dataspace> shm, L4::Cap<L4::Irq> irq)
: _shm(shm), _irq(irq)
int My_server_obj::dispatch(l4_umword_t obj, L4::Ipc::Iostream &ios)
// we don't care about the original object reference, however
// we could read out the access rights from the lowest 2 bits
(void) obj;
ios >> t; // extract the tag
switch (t.label())
case L4::Meta::Protocol:
// handle the meta protocol requests, implementing the
// runtime dynamic type system for L4 objects.
return L4::Util::handle_meta_request<My_interface>(ios);
case 0:
// since we have just one operation we have no opcode dispatch,
// and just return the data-space and the notifier IRQ capabilities
ios << _shm << _irq;
return 0;
// every other protocol is not supported.
return -L4_EBADPROTO;
class Shm_observer : public L4::Irq_handler_object
char *_shm;
explicit Shm_observer(char *shm)
: _shm(shm)
int Shm_observer::dispatch(l4_umword_t obj, L4::Ipc::Iostream &ios)
// We don't care about the original object reference, however
// we could read out the access rights from the lowest 2 bits
// Since we end up here in this function, we got a 'message' from the IRQ
// that is bound to us. The 'ios' stream won't contain any valuable info.
printf("Client sent us: %s\n", _shm);
return 0;
DS_SIZE = 4 << 12,
static char *get_ds(L4::Cap<L4Re::Dataspace> *_ds)
if (!(*_ds).is_valid())
printf("Dataspace allocation failed.\n");
return 0;
int err = L4Re::Env::env()->mem_alloc()->alloc(DS_SIZE, *_ds, 0);
if (err < 0)
printf("mem_alloc->alloc() failed.\n");
return 0;
* Attach DS to local address space
char *_addr = 0;
err = L4Re::Env::env()->rm()->attach(&_addr, (*_ds)->size(),
if (err < 0)
printf("Error attaching data space: %s\n", l4sys_errtostr(err));
return 0;
* Success! Write something to DS.
printf("Attached DS\n");
static char const * const msg = "[DS] Hello from server!";
snprintf(_addr, strlen(msg) + 1, msg);
return _addr;
static void *server_thread(void *)
L4::Cap<L4::Thread> l4_thread = Pthread::L4::cap(pthread_self());
L4Re::Util::Registry_server<> server(l4_thread, L4Re::Env::env()->factory());
char *addr;
if (!(addr = get_ds(&ds)))
return nullptr;
// First the IRQ handler, because we need it in the My_server_obj object
Shm_observer observer(addr);
// Registering the observer as an IRQ handler, this allocates an
// IRQ object using the factory of our server.
L4::Cap<L4::Irq> irq = server.registry()->register_irq_obj(&observer);
// Now the initial server object shared with the client via our parent.
// it provides the data-space and the IRQ capabilities to a client.
My_server_obj server_obj(ds, irq);
// Registering the server object to the capability 'shm' in our the L4Re::Env.
// This capability must be provided by the parent. (see the shared_ds.lua)
server.registry()->register_obj(&server_obj, "shm");
// Run our server loop.
int main()
pthread_attr_t pattr;
if (pthread_attr_init(&pattr))
L4Re::throw_error(-L4_ENOMEM, "Initialize pthread attributes");
pthread_t thr;
L4Re::chksys(pthread_create(&thr, &pattr, server_thread, nullptr),
"Create server thread");
L4Re::chksys(pthread_attr_destroy(&pattr), "Destroy pthread attributes");
return 0;
Interface for memory-like objects.
Definition dataspace:53
static Env const * env() noexcept
Returns the initial environment for the current task.
Definition env:95
L4::Cap< Mem_alloc > mem_alloc() const noexcept
Object-capability to the memory allocator.
Definition env:108
L4::Cap< Rm > rm() const noexcept
Object-capability to the region map.
Definition env:119
A server loop object which has a Object_registry included.
L4::Cap< void > alloc() noexcept override
Allocate a capability.
void free(L4::Cap< void > cap, l4_cap_idx_t task=L4_INVALID_CAP, unsigned unmap_flags=L4_FP_ALL_SPACES) noexcept override
Free a capability.
C++ interface for capabilities.
Definition capability.h:219
Input/Output stream for IPC [un]marshalling.
Definition ipc_stream:790
virtual int dispatch(unsigned long rights, Ipc::Iostream &ios)=0
The abstract handler for client requests to the object.
IPC server loop.
Dataspace interface.
Environment interface.
Error helper.
unsigned long l4_umword_t
Unsigned machine word.
Definition l4int.h:40
No memory.
Definition err.h:39
Unsupported protocol.
Definition err.h:51
_Cap_alloc & cap_alloc
Capability allocator.
void l4_sleep_forever(void) L4_NOTHROW L4_NORETURN
Go sleep and never wake up.
Definition util.h:85
long chksys(long err, char const *extra="", long ret=0)
Generate C++ exception on error.
Definition error_helper:72
void throw_error(long err, char const *extra="")
Generate C++ exception.
Definition error_helper:37
Cap< T > make_cap_rw(L4::Cap< T > cap) noexcept
Make an L4::Ipc::Cap<T> for the given capability with L4_CAP_FPAGE_RW rights.
Definition ipc_types:795
Namespace interface.
@ RW
Readable and writable region.
Definition rm:139
@ Search_addr
Search for a suitable address range.
Definition rm:114
Server object base class for handling IRQ messages.
Definition ipc_server:161
Base class (template) for server implementing server objects.
Definition ipc_server:81
Message tag data structure.
Definition types.h:153
long label() const L4_NOTHROW
Get the protocol value.
Definition types.h:157
Type information server template.
Capability allocator.