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L4Re has its origins in research, starting around 1997.
Research papers on L4Re-related topics:
FFMK: An HPC OS based on the L4Re Microkernel
Carsten Weinhold, Adam Lackorzynski, Hermann Härtig |br|
*In Robert W. Wisniewski, Balazs Gerofi, Rolf Riesen, Yutaka Ishikawa (eds)
Operating Systems for Supercomputers and High Performance Computing, October
2019* |br|
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Lateral Thinking for Trustworthy Apps
Hermann Härtig, Michael Roitzsch, Carsten Weinhold, Adam Lackorzynski |br|
*Proceedings of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2017* |br|
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Predictable Low-Latency Interrupt Response with General-Purpose Systems
Adam Lackorzynski, Carsten Weinhold, Hermann Härtig |br|
*Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time applications
(OSPERT 2017), Dubrovnik, Kroatia, June 2017* |br|
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Combining Predictable Execution with Full-Featured Commodity Systems
Adam Lackorzynski, Carsten Weinhold, Hermann Härtig |br|
*Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time applications
(OSPERT 2016), Toulouse, France, July 2016* |br|
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Decoupled: Low-Effort Noise-Free Execution on Commodity Systems
Adam Lackorzynski, Carsten Weinhold, Hermann Härtig |br|
*Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers (ROSS 2016), Kyoto, Japan,
June 2016* |br|
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Transactional IPC in Fiasco.OC - Can we get the multicore case verified for free?
Till Smejkal, Adam Lackorzynski, Benjamin Engel, Marcus Völp |br|
*Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time applications
(OSPERT 2015), Lund, Sweden, July 2015* |br|
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Flattening Hierarchical Scheduling
Adam Lackorzynski, Alexander Warg, Marcus Völp, Hermann Härtig |br|
*International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT'12), Tampere, Finland,
October 2012* |br|
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Rounding Pointers - Type Safe Capabilities with C++ Meta Programming
Alexander Warg and Adam Lackorzynski |br|
*Sixth Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Cascais,
Portugal, October 2011* |br|
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Towards Modular Security-Conscious Virtual Machines
Steffen Liebergeld, Michael Peter and Adam Lackorzynski |br|
*Twelfth Real-Time Linux Workshop 2010, Nairobi, Kenya, October 2010* |br|
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Generic Virtualization with Virtual Processors
Adam Lackorzynski, Alexander Warg and Michael Peter |br|
*Twelfth Real-Time Linux Workshop 2010, Nairobi, Kenya, October 2010* |br|
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ARM TrustZone as a Virtualization Technique in Embedded Systems
Torsten Frenzel, Adam Lackorzynski, Alexander Warg and Hermann Härtig |br|
*Twelfth Real-Time Linux Workshop 2010, Nairobi, Kenya, October 2010* |br|
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L4 technology by TUD:OS
Hermann Härtig, Michael Roitzsch and Adam Lackorzynski |br|
*ARTIST Summer School Europe 2010, Autrans near Grenoble, France, September
2010* |br|
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Stay strong, stay safe - enhancing reliability of a secure operating system
Dirk Vogt, Björn Döbel and Adam Lackorzynski |br|
*IIDS'10: Workshop on Isolation and Integration for Dependable Systems
(Eurosys 2010 affiliated workshop), April 2010* |br|
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Faithful Virtualization on a Real-Time Operating System
Henning Schild, Adam Lackorzynski, Alexander Warg |br|
*Eleventh Real-Time Linux Workshop 2009, September 2009* |br|
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Taming Subsystems - Capabilities as Universal Resource Access Control in L4
Adam Lackorzynski, Alexander Warg |br|
*IIES'09: Second Workshop on Isolation and Integration in Embedded Systems
(Eurosys 2009 affiliated workshop), March 2009* |br|
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Virtual Machines Jailed - Virtualization in Systems with Small Trusted Computing Bases
Michael Peter, Henning Schild, Adam Lackorzynski, Alexander Warg |br|
*VTDS'09: Workshop on Virtualization Technology for Dependable Systems
(Eurosys 2009 affiliated workshop), March 2009* |br|
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L4 - Virtualization and Beyond
Hermann Härtig, Michael Roitzsch, Adam Lackorzynski, Björn Döbel, Alexander Böttcher |br|
*Korean Information Science Society Review, December 2008* |br|
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Virtualization as an enabler for security in mobile devices
Jörg Brakensiek and Axel Dröge and Martin Botteck and Hermann Härtig and Adam
Lackorzynski |br|
*IIES '08: Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Isolation and integration in
embedded systems, Pages 17--22, ISBN 978-1-60558-126-2,
Glasgow, Scotland, April 2008* |br|
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