Getting Started *************** There are a number of avenues available to get started with L4Re. .. topic:: :doc:`Run pre-built images on Hardware ` To get a glimpse of how L4Re looks like, there are a number of pre-built images available together with the instructions on how to run them on specific hardware. .. topic:: :doc:`Build L4Re locally with the Bob Build Tool ` If you plan on working with L4re you might want to use the L4Re tutorial recipes together with the Bob Build Tool to build various pre-composed examples. .. topic:: :doc:`Build L4Re locally with Gnu Make ` If you plan on working not only with, but on L4Re, you will have to use the L4Re Build System that is based on Gnu Make. The respective chapters will provide you with a detailed step-by-step introduction on how L4Re is compiled from scratch. In case you need help ===================== In case you have a question or got stuck, the following support options are available: * Reach out on the mailing list for help. * Create an issue on `Github `_ at the affected component. * Contact `Kernkonzept `_ for professional support and services of the L4Re maintainers. .. toctree:: :hidden: bob make multiple_hello different_hello