
In :doc:`/getting_started/make` you learned how to check out the L4Re
source tree using ``ham``. Similarly you can use ``ham`` for updating the
source tree:

.. sourcecode:: shell

   ham sync

This will fetch and checkout the latest changes in all repositories.

Sometimes it is necessary to reconfigure your build directories:

.. sourcecode:: shell

   make oldconfig

This is the case when your compiler or some config options changed.

More Ham Functionality

Since ``ham`` is only a wrapper around git, it has some more features you might
want to use:

Print information about changes in the build tree

.. sourcecode:: shell

   ham status

Repositories with changes are likely to fail the ``sync`` operation. It can be
handy to see where you have to manually resolve sync failures with the
``status`` operation.

A more generic functionality is the ``foarall`` operation, which executes an
arbitrary command in each repositories root directory. A different approach for
syncing your source tree is the following.

.. sourcecode:: shell

   ham forall -- git fetch
   ham forall -p -- git rebase

.. hint::

   The ``-p`` option prints the name of each repository before executing the
   provided command. This way you can directly see where conflicts occur.

Repositories All The Way Down

In the end, these are just git repositories which you can update as you like.
You don't have to use ``ham``. You should, however, update them all at once
because APIs are used across the repos. Only update a single repo if you know
what you're doing.